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(Created page with "20 Alexander Folds, mine manager. Sworn:- By Mr. Potts:- You visited the scene of the explosion in No. 6 mine? A: Yes. Q: When? A: On the day following the explosion was the...")
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Alexander Folds, mine manager. Sworn:-
By Mr. Potts:- You visited the scene of the explosion in No. 6 mine?
A: Yes.
Q: When?
A: On the day following the explosion was the first visit I made.
Q: That would be the 16th of July?
A: Yes.
Q: Did you make any examination?
A: Yes.
Q: Now tell the Jury the result of your examination.
A: I went in the entrance of the Second South Level; went up No. 3 right alond the lond wall, and examined the roof and face for gas etcetera, and travelled round the large cave in the branch off No. 6 . Found couldn't get out there, so came down No. 6 and went up No. 7. Travelled the rest of the long wall of No. 6 and found gas. Then went in 7 and travelled the remainder of the long wall back.
Q: Did you make any examination that day?
A: Yes, I visited throughout the whole district.
Q: Were you able to form any opinion as to where the explosion occurred?
A: Not then. It was too premature then to form any opinion until we saw the cave cleared up.
Q: Were you able to form any opinion at all?
A: Yes from the evidence of the force and direction, the explosion was somewhere in the neighborhood of the cave.
Q: And the cave was where?
A: In the branch off No. 6.
Q: Did you search for any explosives?
A: Well I examined for evidence of blasting, open lights, matches and so forth.
Q: Did you find any?
A: Not on that day.
Q: When did you make your next examination?
A: On the following day.
Q: Did you find anything on that day?
A: The following day war the 17th. On the 18th I found that open light "B" in No. 6 and a box of cigarettes.
Q: Did you find anything else on that day?
A: Some matches I found in a vest pocket; either a vest or a jacket hanging on the same road.
Q: To whom did the coat belong?
A: To the party to whom the watch belonged.
Q: Did it appear to be the coat of a miner working?
A: The coat of one of the fellows who worked in that place.
Q: Was there anything near the scene of the explosion?
A: It was within two stall lengths of the explosion. Nearly 100 feet.
Q: Did you find any other portion of the lamp "B"?
A: Not at that time. I think the day following we found the other portion of the lamp, a little down the roadway, opposite some rock work.
Q: Was it broken?
A: No, it was all right.
Q: Is it in court?
A: It has disappeared someway.
Q: What condition was it in?
A: It was all right; it had evidently been separated for a purpose.
Q: From your examination, Mr. Folds, where in your opinion do you think the explosion occurred?
A: In examining carefully, and tracing the evidence of the force and the non-coking dust and coking dust deposits, I am of the opinion, without any hesitation in saying that it occurred between the end of the branch road off No. 6 roadway, and the branch road off No. 7; the end of these two branches, between the two, in the neighborhood of where the last Chinaman was working.
BC Archives GR-0431 Box 6 File 3
BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.

Revision as of 10:57, 4 March 2022
