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(Created page with "Q. 46 What do you mean? A. It was Just turned around. The white men were short of groceries and the Chinese had lots. Q. 47 Your suggestion to that appears to be tolerably c...")
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Q. 52 Weren't the Chinese, as I understand at, supposed to have hid their goods when the Constables were there, around that date?
Q. 52 Weren't the Chinese, as I understand at, supposed to have hid their goods when the Constables were there, around that date?
A. I don't know. They took out a bout $125.00 worth of groceries. Mr. Colquonn told me that himself. I left there myself tor Vancouver go ae to got tho follows
A. I don't know. They took out a bout $125.00 worth of groceries. Mr. Colquonn told me that himself. I left there myself tor Vancouver so as to get the fellows food or get them out. In the meantime they came out themselves. I brought Colquohn back to the Camp to get these four fellows out. We didn't have a boat then, In the mean-time there was supposed to be $125.00 worth of groceries taken out about that time. Maybe King Faun can tell you.
Rood or get thom out. In the mean time they came out than-
Q. 53 What would be the idea of taking them out?
selves. I brought olquohm baok to the Camp to get th ese our.ell ows out. Wo didn It ha ve a boat then, In the
A. I was telling him and trying to tell him.He said they were hidden; that the se people went in to investigate. I cannot swear as to whether the Chinese had or hadn't
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I cannot swear as to whether the Chinese had or hadntt
C Archives GR-0431 BRITISH COLUMBIA ATTORNEY GENERAL Box 13 File 6 Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia

Latest revision as of 13:38, 16 July 2020

Q. 46 What do you mean?

A. It was Just turned around. The white men were short of groceries and the Chinese had lots.

Q. 47 Your suggestion to that appears to be tolerably correct. The 17th or 18th of October?

A. Around that.

Q. 48 The white men were out of food?

A. Yes.

Q. 49 So far as you know during that time did the Chinese have plenty?

A. Yes, you bet.

Q. 50 When did they start going out of supplies..... I was trying to get, when do you suggest the Chinese boys started going short?

A. The shipments were getting farther apart in the latter part of November, I guess. At least it seemed that way.

Q. 51 We'll come around to the 6th of November. You remember? All I want to do is to get the actual facts? On the 6th of November, Sam Noveland, Abrahamson, Petersen and Lowe -- who were short of supplies then?

A. The white fellows

Q. 52 Weren't the Chinese, as I understand at, supposed to have hid their goods when the Constables were there, around that date?

A. I don't know. They took out a bout $125.00 worth of groceries. Mr. Colquonn told me that himself. I left there myself tor Vancouver so as to get the fellows food or get them out. In the meantime they came out themselves. I brought Colquohn back to the Camp to get these four fellows out. We didn't have a boat then, In the mean-time there was supposed to be $125.00 worth of groceries taken out about that time. Maybe King Faun can tell you.

Q. 53 What would be the idea of taking them out?

A. I was telling him and trying to tell him.He said they were hidden; that the se people went in to investigate. I cannot swear as to whether the Chinese had or hadn't
