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The Jurors for our Lady the Queen upon their oath present that Tai Chong on the twenty fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four  and on divers other days between that day and the day of the taking of this inquisition on the Indian Reserve near the dwelling-houses of divers liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen and also near divers public streets of the City of Victoria and common highways there did and yet doth keep thirty-one hogs and the said hogs here and there to wit at the place and times aforesaid unlawfully and in [injurously] did feed and yet doth feed with offal and other filth by reason wherof  divers noisome and unwholesome smells and stenches during the true aforesaid did from the thence there arise and the air there was and yet is thereby greatly corrupted and infected to the great damage and common nuisance not only of all the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen there resident and dwelling but also to all the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen passing and repassing in by and through
The Jurors for our Lady the Queen upon their oath present that Tai Chong on the twenty fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four  and on divers other days between that day and the day of the taking of this inquisition on the Indian Reserve near the dwelling-houses of divers liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen and also near divers public streets of the City of Victoria and common highways there did and yet doth keep thirty-one hogs and the said hogs here and there to wit at the place and times aforesaid unlawfully and in [injurously] did feed and yet doth feed with offal and other filth by reason wherof  divers noisome and unwholesome smells and stenches during the true aforesaid did from the thence there arise and the air there was and yet is thereby greatly corrupted and infected to the great damage and common nuisance not only of all the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen there resident and dwelling but also to all the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen passing and repassing in by and through
BC Archives GR-0419
Box 26 File 1884/29
Attorney General documents.

Revision as of 16:54, 3 November 2016

British Columbia to wit}

The Jurors for our Lady the Queen upon their oath present that Tai Chong on the twenty fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four and on divers other days between that day and the day of the taking of this inquisition on the Indian Reserve near the dwelling-houses of divers liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen and also near divers public streets of the City of Victoria and common highways there did and yet doth keep thirty-one hogs and the said hogs here and there to wit at the place and times aforesaid unlawfully and in [injurously] did feed and yet doth feed with offal and other filth by reason wherof divers noisome and unwholesome smells and stenches during the true aforesaid did from the thence there arise and the air there was and yet is thereby greatly corrupted and infected to the great damage and common nuisance not only of all the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen there resident and dwelling but also to all the liege subjects of our said Lady the Queen passing and repassing in by and through

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 26 File 1884/29