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(Created page with "Frid 22 Sept Glorious day. At 2.25 left Bonneville + marched to Val de Maison + our old tent camps. Settled with our good hostess Mme Beauval @ 30 frs. Sat'dy 23rd Orderl...")
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Revision as of 22:52, 6 June 2015

Frid 22 Sept Glorious day. At 2.25 left Bonneville + marched to Val de Maison + our old tent camps. Settled with our good hostess Mme Beauval @ 30 frs.

Sat'dy 23rd Orderly officer for Bn. Marched out at 8:50 am. Beautiful day. Reached Harponville beyond Contay [Conty] at 1 pm.

Sund 24 V. early start. Marched for four hours + halted for lunch near Brickfields. Marched to Sunken Rd in pm. Very hot

Monday 25h Sept Going over orders for attack tomorrow. C Co to establish advanced post. Everitt, Harper + Tordiffee ea. in command of one. Andrews + I left behind.

Tues 26 About 10 am rec'd orders to go to the front line to replace casualties, Everitt + Harper having been killed + many others. Dashed off at once with Watson + Dagger + after v. exciting trip reached Bn Hdqrs. After a long wait was ordered to join A Co in trench.