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Latest revision as of 11:35, 28 April 2023

89/ To Mr John {?Rohm]. If there had been twenty shafts [?] their lives might have been lost. Had the second shaft been a mile away they might have been n[?] off. Suppose a [?Thyl] had been put down at the end of the tent as it was extended another shaft would have when put down.

To Mr Young Had the drive from the engine house been [?] instead of timber it would have been safer

To Mry Hugo. I fit all the coal from the faces and [?latter] [?] to the enforcer would lessen the danger. Shovelling is nearly the same as widdling for raising dust. You can see the dust sparkle in your lamp in an airway Taken upon oath and acknowledged before me this 24th day of June on 1887} John Bryden W Wymond Walkem Cormer