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Latest revision as of 09:58, 30 September 2021

Alexander Falds, mine manager, sworn: -

By Mr. Potts[?]:- You visited the scene of the explosion in No. 6 mine? A: Yes

Q: When? A: on the day following the explosion was the first visit I made

Q: That would be the 6th July? A: Yes.

Q: Did you make any examination? A: Yes

Q: Now tell the jury the result of your examination? A: I went in the entrance of the second South Level; went up No 3 right along the long wall, and examined the roof and face for gas etcetera, and travelled round the large cave in the branch off No 6 + Found I couldn't get out there, so came down No 6 and went up No 7. Travelled the rest of the long wall of No 6 & found gas. Then went in 7 + travelled the remainder of the long wall back.

Q: Did you make an examination that day? A: Yes. I visited throughout the whole district

Q: Were you able to form any opinion as to where the explosion occurred? A: Not then. It was too premature then to form any opinion until we saw the cave cleared up.

Q: Were you able to form any opinion at all? A: Yes. from the evidence of the force and direction, the explosion was somewhere in the neighborhood of the cave

Q: And the cave was where? A: In the branch off No 6.

Q: Did you search for any explosives? A: Well I examined for evidence of blasting, open lights, matches and so forth

Q: Did you find any? A: Not on that day.

Q: When did you make your next examination? A: on the following day.

Q: Did you find anything on that day? A: The following day was the 17th On the 18th I found that open light "B" in No 5. and a

BC Archives GR-0431 Box 6 File 3 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.