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Latest revision as of 20:55, 7 October 2020


  1. 12


Mr Beck;- What make of car is that? A;- 1912 McLaughlin. Q;- I understand he was a steady man? A;- I am not sure. Mr Ladner;- There were twelve people in this car. I believe applying the brakes on a frosty night the tendency was to skid? A;- I believe so. Coroner;- What kind of sign did Smith have on his car? A;- Ladner- Fraser Avenue. Q;- What size would that be? A;- I believe it was about six inches wide, that is, the narrow side. Q;- Right close to the windshield? A;- There's a slot in the glass in the windshield, that the wind blew through. Q;- Would that obstruct the view of his ahead? A;- I don't know; I very seldom got in his car. Juror;- About how far can you see the headlights on the bridge? A;- About halfway between Mr Mitchell's house and the bridge. Q;- About how fast are you going when you get to the bridge? A;- About twelve miles an hour, something like that. Q;- In what length car you stop your auto suddenly at twelve miles an hour before you get to the gates? A;- Two or three lengths. I could with new brakelinings inside and out. Q;- You can always see your gates in plenty of time so you can stop? A;- Yes. Q;- Have you ever observed any carelessness on the part of the bridge tender in doing his work? A;- No.

The coroner then adjourned the Inquest until 10 A.M. Saturday, November 18th, 1916.