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Latest revision as of 20:19, 7 October 2020


  1. 12


A;- I don't know how they could get three men beside him. Juror;- His gear are in the middle of the car or on the right hand side? A;- On the right hand side. Mr Cowan;- Supposing your car is in good order, traveling on the level at the rate of fifteen miles an hour, within what would be the shortest space within which you can stop? A;- It all depends on how your brakes are. Q;- Supposing they are in good order? A;- In the very best order, two or three lengths of the car. Q;- Would the size of the load have any effect on the shortness of space? A;- I suppose so. Q;- If that weight were directly in front? A;- I could not say about that; I do not know how it would affect that car. Q;- Would that car take a leap into the river without scraping the bottom of the car between the wheels? or injuring the bottom of the car between the hind wheels and the front wheels, what inference would you take as to the rate of speed the car was going? A;- Q;- If the car was going slower would the center of the car slide down? A;- I don't know. Q;- If it were going at a rapid rate would it take a leap from the edge of the span into space? A;- Q;- And if it did scrape it would indicate what? A;- I don't know if it did scrape. Q;- If, on the other hand, the auto were going slowly chances are would be injury to the bottom of the car between the front wheels? A;- I could not say.