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Latest revision as of 19:17, 7 October 2020


  1. 12


Ames Gordon Russell, corner of 58th & Fraser Street, South Vancouver, B.C. being duly sworn, saith;-

I can't say anything about it because I wasn't there.

Mr Cowan; - You were in partnership? A;- No; we were running opposite trips. Q;- Are you running in opposition to Mr Smith is that the idea? A;- I started to a year and a half ago. We were running opposite trips. Coroner;- Do you know anything of Mr Smith's driving? A;- No more than I have seen. Q;- Was he in the habit of driving fast? A;- No more than any other driver. He would take it a little bit fast, I never heard of a man yet driving an automobile who wouldn't take a spurt once in a while. Q;- Had Smith any experience with these gates? A;- I heard later there was something else. Q;- From whom did you get your information? A;- I heard it through Mrs Phillips. I never heard it till Saturday night. Q;- How often did, was Smith in the habit of making trips a day? A;- Three trips a day. Q;- Sometimes two? A;- Take on the car all you can carry in going over. Q;- I suppose you know the regulations governing traffic on that bridge? A;- I believe I do. Q;- Is there any bylaw in the municipality limiting the speed to eight miles an hour? A;- Yes. Q;- As a matter of fact the notice is on the bridge? A;- I believe there is. Q;- You knew that when you were exceeding the speed of eight miles an hour you were violating the law? and that Smith was too? A;- No.