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(Created page with "41 37. Mr Ladner;- Did you see the auto coming on the bridge? A;- No, sir. Mr Cowan;- What day? A;- Saturday. Juror;- You had a scow of brush towing beside the boat? A;- Yes....")
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Latest revision as of 22:06, 6 October 2020

41 37.

Mr Ladner;- Did you see the auto coming on the bridge? A;- No, sir. Mr Cowan;- What day? A;- Saturday. Juror;- You had a scow of brush towing beside the boat? A;- Yes. Q;- Did you know the scow of brush had struck the corner of the swing? A;- Yes, I did. Q;- How long between the span? A;- About an hour and a quarter, from a quarter of an hour to an hour and a quarter. I was working pretty hard. I did not take notice of the time. Q;- The swing was closed? A;- I didn't take notice. A man could walk from the swing to the bridge. Q;- How many whistles did you blow? A;- Blew one. Q;- A man driving along east of the bridge would hear the whistle a considerable distance? A;- I could not say. I have not been in a car when the whistle was blown. I could not say. Mr Beck;- You say the bridge tender shouted to you? A;- Shouted not to come any further. Q;- Do you know the exact words he said? You can't do it? A;- I can't say the exact words. Q;- How many times did he call you? A;- I do not remember. Q;- You can't remember? What did he say? A;- He said, "Stop, don't go there." Q;- Did he say, "Hey, lookout there."? Q;- How long does it take to open and close the bridge? A;- About seven minutes. Q;- To open? A;- From the time I seen the bridge tender go on the bridge, about seven minutes. A Q;- Did you see this automobile at all?