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Latest revision as of 05:53, 16 September 2020

A. In the same crowd.

Q. 414 There were nine men in the other Camp?

A. It was known as No. 2 Camp up in Effingham Inlet.

Q. 415 It was No. 2 Camp where the nine Chinese got sick?

A. Yes.

Q. 416 What arrangements were made as far as you know in handling supplies?

A. We bring them over from there, that is all.

Q. 417 How did you bring them?

A. In a boat.

Q. 418 Who brought them?

A. I did mostly.

Q. 419 And just before these Chinamen took sick, some of them came over to your camp asking for additional supplies?

A. That was after Christmas.

Q. 480 Did you give them some?

A. Not of our stuff.

Q. 481 How was it your stuff?

A. The Chinese food came from Hop Sang. Nothing to do with them at all, nothing to do. The Chinese good was amongst themselves.

Q. 422 Who was it up to?

A. I don't know. The food used to just come there.

Q. 423 You didn't have anything to do with the dividing? Who was the boss of the Chinamen?

A. Apparently King Faun was supposed to be the boss.

Q. 424 There is a shipment shown as having been sent from Vancouver on the 10th of December. Do you know when that arrived?

A. The tenth?

Q. 425 If you see the particulars of the shipment it may help you. The invoice dated the 9th, shipping bill the 10th ; two boxes and three sacks.

A. I could place this better if I asked King Faun a question. (Mr. Colquhoun interrupts.)

A. Johannsen is the man you mean. The 15th of December, that would be right.

Q. 426 When did you get the next shipment after that?

A. I was away between the 22nd of December and the 4th January. 39.