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Latest revision as of 12:50, 2 September 2020

Q: And on what reasoning do you form that opinion?

A: From the appearance of the cags, the way they were knocked down on both sides.

Q: Showing that the force of the explosion there had gone both ways?

A: Yes.

Q: You left the mine you said, about half past three. Was everything in good working order then as far as you could judge?

A: Everything was in good order then.

A Juror:- is it customary for chinamen to smoke while at work?

A: Not in that section; it is strictly against the rules.

Q: Did they ever do it that you know of?

A: I have heard of them doing it but I never seen them myself.

Q: Do you take any precautions to keep them from taking matches down?

A: Sometimes I search them. Q: Did you find any?

A: No, I haven't found any yet.

Q: Did you search them on the 15th inst?

A: No.

Harry King

Taken upon oath and acknowledged this 14 day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three before me

James Abrams,