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Latest revision as of 12:37, 25 July 2020

Q. 110 There are two men sick now. Why somebody do not go for the doctor?

A. I was a stranger in there. I don't know where I can get it.

Q. 111 On the 18th you told Mr. SImpson that a man was sick?

A. He was dead at night.

Q.112 One man died on the night of the 17th, at ten-thirty?

A. Yes.

Q. 113 When did you tell Mr. Simpson that he was dead?

A. The first man he was dead at the night, half past ten, in the No. 1 Camp; I went to wake Simpson up; Faun said not to wake him up; tell him in morning.

Q. 114 Did you tell him any other boys sick?

A. I told him five boys sick; somebody say foot is swollen.

Q. 115 Hurt or sick?

A. Yes, sick, just swell up in the foot.

Q. 116 Didn't you think it about time to get a doctor to come?

A. I don't know who can be possible to go get a doctor, because no boys up that can. Boss him say.

Q. 11 7 You tell Mr. Simpson one fellow dead; then another one he died on the 18th; then policeman and three more boys sick; then three sick boys they get brought to the boat and then bring them to Port Alberni; and how were these sick boys?

A. Yes, two went to the hospital.

Q. 118 You see the third one?

A. Yes, Lau Bong

Q. 119 Who is the boss Chinaman in Camp #2?

A. I don't have any boss. I Just work for Mr. Colquohn.

Q. 120 Who make the bargain with you?

A. Last year in August a Chinese contractor brought me to Camp #2 from Seehart, fourteen mile s, in big storm, water come up; cannot land; Boss bring me over to this camp.

Q. 121 Camp #2, came there when?

A. About September 28th, came to Camp #2.

Q. 122 Who was the contractor?

A. Didn't have any contractor. Colquohn came into camp and told

BC Archives GR-0431 BRITISH COLUMBIA ATTORNEY GENERAL Box 13 File 6 Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia