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(Created page with "WILLIAM MCRAE: under oath saith:- (Direct examination by Farris.J 251.Q. You were on this raid on the 17th? A. Yes. 232.Q. Did you find any money? A. Yes; $5...")
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Latest revision as of 15:02, 25 January 2017

WILLIAM MCRAE: under oath saith:- (Direct examination by Farris.J 251.Q. You were on this raid on the 17th? A. Yes. 232.Q. Did you find any money? A. Yes; $5.50 on one of these tables in the gambling room. $5.50 put in evidence as Ex J. ,1 233. Q Do you know anything about this game of fantan? A. No, not at all. Cross examination by Russell. 234.Q You found some money on which table and in what room? A- Table 9 in room 3. 235.Q. You found £5.50 in silver? A. Yes. Re-direct by Farris: 236.Q. I believe there was one Chinaman brought back upstairs and there was something about a cap that officer Jackson placed on his head? A Yes. 237.Q. You might tell us what it was? A. I know what it was, but I did not see how it happened. McDade was there. (Russell) I will admit that one of these men were upstairs. 238.Q. Which man? A.(Rurssell) The tall man (Sing). BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 106 File 1905/9 Attorney General documents.